紐西蘭提高福氣魚捕獲量紐西蘭漁業部決定採納福氣魚資源量已全面復育成功的科學報告建議,同意自10月1日起漁業界可自資源復育成功的西部作業區增加10,000公噸,將福氣魚總可捕量提高至130,000公噸;並計畫年底對福氣魚資源量進當舖行調查後於2012年重新進行評估。福氣魚是紐西蘭重要的經濟魚種之一,每年進口收益高達8,200萬美元。現在提高的捕撈量仍不及2001年開放的250,000公噸之多;2004年捕獲量大幅降為100,000公噸,2007年再限縮至90,000公噸。鑑於成鑽石長緩慢的福氣魚資源量至少需經23年才能完全復育,並在歷經過漁壓力多年甫於2006年才開始限制捕獲量;Sanford水產商早於上月去函紐西蘭漁業暨水產養殖部長Phil Heatley,質疑當局現在提高福氣魚捕獲量的決定過於寬鬆、倉促,建票貼議在相關研究資訊未明前維持原限制捕撈案為宜。(摘譯於INFOFISH Trade News, No. 18/2011,3 October 2011)HOKI CATCH INCREASED FOLLOWING FISHERY BOUNCE BACKThe fishing industry will be allowed to catch more hoki 長灘島in the coming season, which starts nextmonth, despite calls from fishing company Sanford for the limit to be maintained. The ministry’sscience programme indicated that the hoki fishery had fully recovered 濾心from its decline. The totalallowable commercial catch will rise by 10,000 MT to 130,000 MT from October 1, with the increaseapplying to hoki stocks in the western fishing area. Hoki is one of New Zealand’s 帛琉most importantcommercial fish species, generating about NZ$100 million (US$82 million) a year in export revenue.Although the catch limit has increased it is still well short of its 2001 peak of 250,000 MT. The 小型辦公室catchlimit was reduced drastically in 2004 to 100,000 MT and again in 2007 to 90,000 MT.Hoki stocks will be surveyed later this year and the stock reassessed in 2012. Last month, Sanfordpublished a letter to 節能燈具Heatley saying the projected increase was “too much, too fast”, and requestingthe limit be held steady until more information was available.The slow-growing species, which takes at least 23 years to reach 信用卡代償sexual maturity, has suffered fromoverfishing and has had its catch limit reduced successively since 2006.

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